Thursday 28 June 2007

Muhammad Haque daily world political commentary- Gordon Brown has utmost duty to tell the truth, to invite the telling of the truth

0940 Hrs GMT London Thursday 28 June 2007

Gordon Brown has got to show that he knows the difference between truth and untruth, between being truthful and being a liar.

I had devised the formulation Bliar almost within the first year of Blair’s taking office at No. 10 Downing Street, London SW1

I had done so because of the infinity of signals that were coming across from Blair’s behaviour… showing that he was lying through his teeth ….. no matter what the sycophants said at the time –as they again got up to doing yesterday [Wednesday 27 June 2007] which should have been Blair’s being described as one of the most corrupt holders of public office in our times anywhere in the world today – I don’t want to devise a word for Brown that will connote and denote that Brown too is a liar in office…

So how can this be avoided?

I can’t – nor can any other observer with the same perspectives and outlook as based on the ethics and the morality that I want to see embodied in the actions, in the behaviour and in the overall agenda of the ‘new’ Prime Minister of the UK]- avoid calling him a liar if Brown resumes the agenda that Blair was following.

Brown must not assume that he is being crafty or clever because he can pretend the people aren’t able to see through the craft and the cunning.

I could cite here countless incidents including dozens when I directly spoke to or communicated to many of Blair’s active cronies, including ministers and told them in effect that by their lying, by their dissembling, buy their fabrications, they were squandering the huge basis of legitimacy that the ordinary people gave them at the relevant previous general elections.

One of Blair’s ‘Ministers', Tony McNulty, was the ‘chief guests’ at a meeting of the Blaired party in the East End of London [ again, Blaired, Blairng, are terms that I devised early on because of the conduct of distortion, deception, twisting and lying that Blair was doing and was engaged in and was getting done by the likes of McNulty] . Although the event was controlled by the relevant members of the Blairng squad of fabricators, I managed to put a written question to him which included the word Squander - or a form of it. I had said that Blair was squandering the opportunity that the ordinary, electorally positive people of Britain had given him.

Because the event was a c corruptly controlled one, there was no sign of my question being addressed by McNulty until the very end of his alleged answers. McNulty actually aid, ‘That ‘s not right’.

Meaning not that Blair should not have been squandering the people’s trust but that the question that I had put and the observation that I had made was not right!

Shocking to realise that in the years that have followed my question to him, McNulty has been exposed over and over as being wring in every particular on that phenomenon of squandering of the peoples' mandate and trust..

His depiction and portrayal in the slightly non-Blaired media as a Blair minister involved in cronyism is not a minor affair.

He has featured as a part of the culture of Blairng cronyism that has so discredited the Blairing regime.

Squandered was too mild, too kind a term.

Brown must not go down that route nor must he contemplate any other that has the same direction, the same destination, the object or purpose.

Brown must return to working for a decent, accountable and democratising society….

Brown must live up to the laudatory remark [that in itself will be a very rare incident as time moves on with reference to Brown being at No. 10 Downing Street] that has been printed in today’s London Daily Mail. That in arriving at No 10 Downing Street yesterday. Brown did not show any spin.

Brown must not go for spin. That does not mean that he will not do so.

But Brown must resist the temptations and he must do so consistently, continuously and transparently..

That is the way forward for society here in Britain and beyond.

Beyond because despite the BBC’s daily lament [!!!!] that they no longer have ‘the British Empire’ [like the BBC 2 TV channel showed in the past 48 hours in a series of short pieces they broadcast about the British Empire, showing no sign whatever of remorse, regret let alone understanding and recognition about the evils of empire and imperialism] , the words they broadcast, the contents they set, the purpose they pursue are all imperialistic. They are also all stinkingly racist.

No matter what they may claim to be doing when they whitewash racist regimes like that just formally ended with Blair's over-hyped and over-promoted part departure…

Gordon Brown must not repeat in any shape or form the racist boast that he was allowed to make on his over-rated trip to Africa when he said that he did not think that he ad any need top apologise for British Empire…

He not only will have to withdraw that but he will have to apologise in kind…

Without that, there is no way that he can even begin to come across as even knowing what doing his ‘utmost’ means…

Imperialism and colonialism and racism are as much present abroad as they are at home…

The agenda of empire is looting and disparity and discrimination and denial of rights…

Of taking away the right to speech.

The right to critics..
The right to point out the flaws and the faults….

In other words, empire worship and empire legitimisation must end with Brown apologising for the silence that he has maintained while Blair was engaged in fronting the regime making or was backing illegal assaults and illegal wars and genocides….

[To be continued]